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365 Art Dresses

For the year of 2020, I created a tiny square of art everyday to tell the story of that day. I was craving another 365 day project. I happened to be watching Project Runway (a must see for creatives!) and for some reason, I thought 365 dresses. At first I dismissed it and then it dawned on me, what if it was my art journal for the year? Every day create a dress that tells a story of that day or at the very least keeps me creating. I started to find dresses online in Pinterest or simply googling and printed out 365 dress shapes on my recycled art papers. Then I created 12 art folders to hold the dresses for each month. I placed the 12 art folders holding all of the dresses in a beautiful blue vintage hat suitcase. On January 1st, the first dress was created. Today I am on dress number 73 of 365! So far I am really enjoying the process. I create a little space at the table each night and put in my headphones to listen to netflix or just music and paint, collage and sew until the dress is complete for that day. Are you engaging in the 100 day project or 365 day project this year? I would love to hear from you.